- All
- Agriculture
- Water
- Food
- Hydroponics
- Bore Water
- Floriculture
- General Purpose
- Cropping
- Aquaponics
- Horticulture
- Nature
- Aquaculture
- Animals
- Environment
The "QB-10" is Hydrogen Technologies' next generation smart machine. It has a full colour 4.3 inch capacitive touch display with......
The Moleculizer "M-810" is the premier “Browns Gas” style electrolysis generator on the market today....
Hydrogen Technologies Molecular Hydrogen/Oxygen Generators and Gas Infusion Pumps are the highest quality electrolysis machines on the market today. Our machines allow the user to maximize the vast majority of the benefits that molecular hydrogen can offer across a broad range of applications.
We design and build to exacting standards to ensure purity of product, appropriateness of materials and ease of functionality and use, along with an extended lifespan to ensure value. Mix and match according to your need, environment and application. The extensive and varied application potential dictates that combinations of different components will be required to accurately address the need.
Needing a customised solution? We have the capability to diagnose and design, engineer and invent working prototypes – we modify, tune and refine, document details and proceed to production. Please let us know if you have something specific in mind.

- Certification
- All Species
- Value

It all starts with respect. What ever we do to our food and our environment, we ultimately do to ourselves, our family, and everyone else associated. Giving a damn about each other as well as the rest of the planet and how everything all fits together, sets the standard for all things thereafter and the consequences that follow. We are respectful and appropriately consider every aspect of what it means to have a healthy environment that can produce healthy food for all life. All biological life needs clean, contaminant free food if it is to function with ease and achieve balance.

There are all sorts of approvals for all sorts of products, applications and industries around the world, and we believe that a standard should be set for all biology and all of our food chain. We use “Food Grade” (for humans) as an absolute minimum with laboratory grade materials and components also. We do not discriminate between species, flora or fauna, and if it is a minimum for us, then it should be a minimum for them. Anything that goes into our food chain, anywhere from farm to plate, should be fit for human consumption. If it is not, then it shouldn’t be used.

Certificates for this, certificates for that, the world is awash with certificates and much of it is for good reason. We research and use products and components that are certified from credible sources and authorities. It is important that these certification requirements are met by legitimate regulatory authorities to make sure that we are indeed getting what we are paying for. Attention to detail and an understanding that near enough, is not always good enough.

All Species
We are all in this together, and the most common elements in the universe, and the most basic fundamentals remain the same, keep it natural and keep it clean. The ability to avoid contaminants is paramount to being able to achieve biological balance and it makes no difference what species you are. We must clean up our food chain and assist natural processes, not manipulate with unnatural substances and intervention. We build for Biology, we build for life.

High quality, well-made machines not only perform as intended, but do so for a long period of time. We also offer great customer service and we are always available, however we rarely speak to our customers because they rarely ever have a problem. Our machines are hand made in Australia and stringently tested on site before dispatch to ensure integrity and function. We have made them strong and in such a way that they never actually run at maximum potential and near breaking point ensuring consistent, trouble free operation and extended lifespan. Many times Return On Investment is virtually guaranteed.
- Certification
- All Species
- Value

It all starts with respect. What ever we do to our food and our environment, we ultimately do to ourselves, our family, and everyone else associated. Giving a damn about each other as well as the rest of the planet and how everything all fits together, sets the standard for all things thereafter and the consequences that follow. We are respectful and appropriately consider every aspect of what it means to have a healthy environment that can produce healthy food for all life. All biological life needs clean, contaminant free food if it is to function with ease and achieve balance.

There are all sorts of approvals for all sorts of products, applications and industries around the world, and we believe that a standard should be set for all biology and all of our food chain. We use “Food Grade” (for humans) as an absolute minimum with laboratory grade materials and components also. We do not discriminate between species, flora or fauna, and if it is a minimum for us, then it should be a minimum for them. Anything that goes into our food chain, anywhere from farm to plate, should be fit for human consumption. If it is not, then it shouldn’t be used.

Certificates for this, certificates for that, the world is awash with certificates and much of it is for good reason. We research and use products and components that are certified from credible sources and authorities. It is important that these certification requirements are met by legitimate regulatory authorities to make sure that we are indeed getting what we are paying for. Attention to detail and an understanding that near enough, is not always good enough.

All Species
We are all in this together, and the most common elements in the universe, and the most basic fundamentals remain the same, keep it natural and keep it clean. The ability to avoid contaminants is paramount to being able to achieve biological balance and it makes no difference what species you are. We must clean up our food chain and assist natural processes, not manipulate with unnatural substances and intervention. We build for Biology, we build for life.

High quality, well-made machines not only perform as intended, but do so for a long period of time. We also offer great customer service and we are always available, however we rarely speak to our customers because they rarely ever have a problem. Our machines are hand made in Australia and stringently tested on site before dispatch to ensure integrity and function. We have made them strong and in such a way that they never actually run at maximum potential and near breaking point ensuring consistent, trouble free operation and extended lifespan. Many times Return On Investment is virtually guaranteed.
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Hydrogen Technologies are able to custom make a solution for your industry or use
with applications available for:
Please contact us to discuss your requirements and we will work with you to
determine the best solution possible.