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Hydrogen – At the Core of Life

Hydrogen – At the Core of Life

Dr. David Guez – PhD Neurobiology – Ecotoxicology

Jim Wilson – Director – Founder

Hydrogen is a major constituent of any life form and represents more than three of every five atoms in animal species, and just under half of all the atoms in plants. Hydrogen, both its protons and electrons, appears to not only enable, but also optimise energy production by the mitochondria. The significance of Hydr-Oxygen in biology cannot be underestimated as it is part of the very first step in mitochondrial function as well as the last, be it part of a proton pump, the transfer of electrons, and the completion of redox balance and homeostasis.

While the global hydrogen focus seems to be around energy production to power our transport and service needs, we believe the big story is its relevance to biology and its role in all living things. The total value of the hydrogen energy sector (an estimated 8 trillion dollars) pales compared to the 100 trillion dollars plus estimate when considering the relevance associated with the hydrogen biology sector. The significance and diversity of this must not be underestimated. The use of hydrogen and oxygen supplementation will define improvements in food production and health for the next hundred years.

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